So Let's Go - This year's Word, well, phrase

So Let's Go - This year's Word, well, phrase

Last year, I set an intention for the year.  Inspired by Cassie at Wholefully (formerly Back to Her Roots), I chose the word(s) Want & Action.  

Overall, that was a success.  I still struggle with WANT, and I always will, but I started to get the hang of this ACTION thing.  In the past year I've started doing things, I sorted through some of my digestive issues, made new friends, increased my activity level, developed new (good) habits.  And all of this has made me a happier person to be around, I enjoy my company much more than I did this time last year. 

I've had some setbacks and holdups, but right now I'm sitting in the sunshine listening to a favourite album (Gordon by the Barenaked Ladies and just now I switched to Somewhere More Familiar by Sister Hazel), looking at my cat snooze in his basket, having finished a good coffee, connecting with friends and family online, thinking about the good food I will be making to get ready for a week of work at a job I love. 

With all of this, I was looking for my new mantra/intention for 2017 and I thought back to what has been my motivation all fall (which for me feels like it was part of 2017 thanks to my job which makes me more like a school kid for schedule) and I was listening to one of may favourite new albums, So Let's Go by Alan Doyle. 

And then it hit me, that's what I need, more So Let's Go in my life. 

For me So Let's Go means - 

  • Making the things that matter to me
  • Doing things that matter to me
  • Saying things that matter to me
  • Being with people who matter to me

Rather than just thinking and wanting, sitting on the couch waiting for the world to come to me, I need to look at myself and So Let's Go myself into the world and into what I want. 

For me, So Let's Go, will be words that will help me do what needs to be done.  Whether it means getting up early so I can get in the pool so I can be a stronger swimmer and recertify my Lifeguarding Qualifications, or saying So Let's Go when I need to make myself a nutritious meal and all I want to do is pull a Skip and eat popcorn or when all I want to do is go home and have a Netflix and chill with my cat, I figure out whether I should So Let's Go out with friends or home with my cat.  

Also, So Let's Go is about trying new things, going new places and challenging myself to grow as a person.

SO for 2017 I will be documenting my adventures that come after the worlds So Let's Go here on the blog and on my Instagram.

Okay, here's to 2017 and So Let's Go!

When true crime comes home to roost

When true crime comes home to roost

My One Word: Want and Action